● Main Products
18Hi single reversing cold rolling mill is consisting of QYS-HIGH side-push high speed model, QYZ-HIGH side push middle and low speed model, QYX-HIGH side push middle and low speed model. This mill is suitable for the strip processing of stainless ...
Extensively applied mill in China Currently, Qianye Engineering is the domestic supplier with the most abundant industrial application performance of the 20-high rolling mill in China, the mill model has covered from 650mm precision narrow strip to ...
6Hi tandem cold rolling mill
This 18Hi rolling annealing & pickling line directly uncoils, straightens, and welds the hot rolled steel coils that have not been annealed and pickled, and then performs cold rolling, annealing, rust removal, and finally levelling and coiling.
The world's first silicon steel remote centralized control project,the overall planning and core production line are jointly planned and completed by WQY and Hongwang group.(Hunan Hongwang Group Remote centralized control silicon steel 20Hi rolling mill. 1.The world's first 18Hi six-stand all-series silicon steel special rolling mill. 2.The world's first 18Hi six-stand all-series silicon steel special rolling mill. 3.Hunan Honqwang Group Remote centralized control APL mill (oriented +non-oriented dual purpose).
First stainless steel cold rolling production line remote centralized control in China, Yangjiang Hongwang project, all continuous rolling units, 20-roll mill, vertical bright line and other units are contracted by WQY Metallurgical general.There is no operation room on site for all equipment,and the operation is controlled by remote centralized control. (Yangjiang Hongwang remote centralized control center)
Except for entire mill line,we are also professional in equipment revamping and system optimization to reuse the existing parts, to maximum extent, based on actual working condition and in adoption of most advanced technology, so as to largely save equipment investment and production cost. Revamping 6-high mill into 18-high mill (typical reference) 1.Before revamping,the work roll diameters ranged from 200 to 240mm which were so large that it caused small rolling reduction,too many passes and low efficiency.The minimum thickness could only reach 0.6mm for strip of width 1250mm; 2.After revamping,the roll diameters of 18-high mill is reduced by 120 to 140mm,the minimum thickness reaches 0.25mm with width 1250mm, so the rolling efficiency is increasing significantly by bigger reduction of each pass; 3.Most worn facilities were revamped by reusing the existing parts, e.g. support roll, to lower production cost with higher efficiency.
1.Large amount of waste acid generated from mixed-acid pickling process will impose large stress on water recycling if it is eliminated directly due to its high acid concentration and metal ions,which also wastes large amount of resource and result in high production cost. 2.The system recycles acid-waste via calcination and rinse absorbing.The metal- salt contained is converted in redox reaction under high temperature and reused. 3.Main technical parameters: Processing capacity:2500~6000l/h HF recycle rate:>95% HNO3 recycle rate:70%~75% Nearly zero elimination of waste water. Nearly 100%recycle of metal ions.
1.Mixed-acid pickling process generates large amount of exhaust gas containing hazardous pollutants like HF and NOx. 2.This disposing system eliminates HF and NOx from exhaust gas through rinsing, absorbing and denitration to ensure its emission under standards. 3.The pollutants in exhaust gas can be processed to satisfy following standard through this system: HF<5mg/m3 NOX<200mg/m3
The shape of soft materials after annealing or hard materials after degreasing can be improved by certain elongation, bending and straightening in this unit.
“Zero Crown”Design for Integrally-casting Mill Housing ·Strong mill modulus, and rolling force radiated and applied on each section of housing; ·Big pass reduction with small work roll diameter; ·Providing axial and radial roll shape adjustment, roller diameter compensation, pass line adjustment etc.; ·Hydraulic screw down system and hydraulic AGC system for which the processed materials can obtain excellent flatness and high gauge accuracy.
The company's latest designed twenty-roller precision rolling mill is equipped with imported shape rollers, edge finders, and thickness gauges (with cross-section scanning). It has online edge detection capabilities and adopts the leading fully automatic shape closed-loop control system at home and abroad. And transmission control, with a maximum production speed of 600m/min and a minimum rolling thickness of 0.02mm. This mill is equipped with a dual motor drive design that can simultaneously meet the high-speed production of hard and medium-thick specifications and the stable and high-precision tension of soft and ultra-thin specifications to control production.
This mill is suitable for processing high-strength strips including stainless steel, silicon steel and carbon steel, with features of high speed, high stability and good surface quality and shape.
HRAP –is a hot rolled annealed and descaled product resulting in a dull rough surface. It is available in plate and sheet and is used for functional applications where a smooth decorative finish is not important. HRAP (Hot Rolled Annealed & Pickled) ...
Grinding line for stainless steel is mainly used for rough or intermediate surfacegrinding of hot-rolled or cold-rolled coils. Both the top and bottom surface can bground by setting the direction of uncoiling.
This mill is independently developed and designed by Wuhan Qianye, which is the first domestic and even international stainless steel 18Hi 5 tandem cold rolling mills
The world's first internationally competitive stainless steel 18Hi 6 tandem cold rolling mills currently.
Recoiling Line, used for division and combination of steel coils.
As auxiliary equipment of rolling mill, roller wipers are arranged symmetrically in frontend and back of the mill. Purpose: two couples of wiper rolls form a dynamic seal to wipe off rolling oil attached on strip surface under high rolling speed (ma...
Stainless steel cold-rolled annealing & pickling process is mainly to eliminate work hardening by recrystallizing the cold-rolled stainless steel after annealing.
Bright Annealing of stainless steel is BA (Bright Annealing) treatment refers to a surface state of stainless steel cold-rolled sheet after bright annealing treatment and then smoothing.
Stainless steel multi-roller tension leveling line is suitable for carbon steel, precision stainless steel strip etc, width within 2500mm and thickness within 0.08~2.0mm stainless steel strip in coil softened state after annealing and cold-rolled har...
The skin pass mill (SPM) is especially suitable for strip skinning and cold rolling skinning.
Wuhan Qianye 6Hi single reversing cold rolling mill is consisting of standard QY6-HI HC Type,QY6-HI UCM type with working roll-intermediate roll bender and working roll-intermediate roll shifting, QY6-HI UCMW type with work roll, intermediate roll be...
14Hi single reversing cold rolling mill is suitable for the rolling of high precision and narrow strip steel. It is with large capacity, highly yield and flexibility, rolling many products with low-cost. It is especially suitable for small batch pr...
18Hi single reversing cold rolling mill is consisting of QYS-HIGH side-push high speed model, QYZ-HIGH side push middle and low speed model, QYX-HIGH side push middle and low speed model. This mill is suitable for the strip processing of stainless ...
Extensively applied mill in China Currently, Qianye Engineering is the domestic supplier with the most abundant industrial application performance of the 20-high rolling mill in China, the mill model has covered from 650mm precision narrow strip to ...
6Hi tandem cold rolling mill
This 18Hi rolling annealing & pickling line directly uncoils, straightens, and welds the hot rolled steel coils that have not been annealed and pickled, and then performs cold rolling, annealing, rust removal, and finally levelling and coiling.
The world's first silicon steel remote centralized control project,the overall planning and core production line are jointly planned and completed by WQY and Hongwang group.(Hunan Hongwang Group Remote centralized control silicon steel 20Hi rolling mill. 1.The world's first 18Hi six-stand all-series silicon steel special rolling mill. 2.The world's first 18Hi six-stand all-series silicon steel special rolling mill. 3.Hunan Honqwang Group Remote centralized control APL mill (oriented +non-oriented dual purpose).
First stainless steel cold rolling production line remote centralized control in China, Yangjiang Hongwang project, all continuous rolling units, 20-roll mill, vertical bright line and other units are contracted by WQY Metallurgical general.There is no operation room on site for all equipment,and the operation is controlled by remote centralized control. (Yangjiang Hongwang remote centralized control center)
Except for entire mill line,we are also professional in equipment revamping and system optimization to reuse the existing parts, to maximum extent, based on actual working condition and in adoption of most advanced technology, so as to largely save equipment investment and production cost. Revamping 6-high mill into 18-high mill (typical reference) 1.Before revamping,the work roll diameters ranged from 200 to 240mm which were so large that it caused small rolling reduction,too many passes and low efficiency.The minimum thickness could only reach 0.6mm for strip of width 1250mm; 2.After revamping,the roll diameters of 18-high mill is reduced by 120 to 140mm,the minimum thickness reaches 0.25mm with width 1250mm, so the rolling efficiency is increasing significantly by bigger reduction of each pass; 3.Most worn facilities were revamped by reusing the existing parts, e.g. support roll, to lower production cost with higher efficiency.
1.Large amount of waste acid generated from mixed-acid pickling process will impose large stress on water recycling if it is eliminated directly due to its high acid concentration and metal ions,which also wastes large amount of resource and result in high production cost. 2.The system recycles acid-waste via calcination and rinse absorbing.The metal- salt contained is converted in redox reaction under high temperature and reused. 3.Main technical parameters: Processing capacity:2500~6000l/h HF recycle rate:>95% HNO3 recycle rate:70%~75% Nearly zero elimination of waste water. Nearly 100%recycle of metal ions.
● Main Products